44th School for Christian Workers – February 21, 2010
To my Readers, 
Have you ever wondered what the world of a disciple is really like? If so, then you will want to take a look at our upcoming Christian Challenge International School for Christian Workers. The CCI School for Christian Workers offers training programs that are unique to Biblical discipleship.
The focus of the school is not on academics or scholastics, or even on religion. The total focus of the school is on teaching the believer how to live and function in the world of the Biblical disciple. If this is where your heart is, then this is the school you should consider.
Our 44th school will begin Sunday, February 21, 2010. Classes are held on Sunday and Monday evenings.
Here is a preview of the courses offered:
The Disciple’s Heart Training Program©
This is the graduate course of the CCI School for Christian Workers. It is foundational to both the Disciple’s Heart II and the Shepherd’s Heart programs. The purpose of this training program is to open up the world of the Biblical disciple. The course will absolutely revolutionize a believer’s spiritual life. It is required training for anyone who wishes to serve in a ministry role or a leadership placement with Christian Challenge. – Sunday evenings 5 p.m.
Instructor: Rich Carlisle
The Disciple’s Heart IIx
This course takes the believer into the next step of the world of the disciple. The course sub-title is, ‘Learning to walk with God.’ The class concentrates on a more personal level of discipleship by taking the believer into the very heart of our walk with the Lord. The student will learn much about himself and his own personal calling in life. – Sunday evenings 5 p.m.
Instructor: Lawrence “Buddy” Martin
The Shepherd’s Heart Training Program©
The primary focus of this course is on providing skills that have to do with the teaching or preaching ministry. The course includes sermon and teaching preparation to Bible interpretation. The student learns forms of speaking. While its focus is on a teaching ministry, it would benefit any believer who would like to know better how to study Scripture. – Sunday evenings 7 p.m.
Instructor: Lawrence “Buddy” Martin
Old Testament Bible Survey
This class provides the student with a better understanding of the Scriptures by bringing history, places, peoples, and festivals in the Old Testament together in a way that the students can see God’s plan of redemption working through the ages. This is an excellent course for anyone who would like to take a journey through the Bible itself. – Monday evenings 6 p.m
Instructor: Robert Hazmark
Vision For The Nations
This course analyzes the World Christian Movement based on the Perspectives study program produced by the US Center for World Missions. Its focus is on Biblical and historical foundations for missions. Training includes video presentations by leading missiologists and missionaries from around the world. A great course for those who have a heart for missions. – Time open
Instructor: Nathan Martin
Conversational Spanish
The focus of this course is to give the student a working knowledge of spoken Spanish. It is a perfect introduction to the world of Spanish and is great for those planning short-term mission trips. Opportunity is given for the student to have a testimony translated for use on a mission’s trip. – Monday evenings 6 p.m.
Instructor-Spanish I: Jonathan Martinez
Instructor-Spanish II: Nathan Martin
Tuition and Class Information
Tuition is $35.00 per course (some courses require additional textbooks). The School runs 13 weeks and concludes with a graduation banquet. It is recommended that students use the New American Standard Bible since most Scripture references are taken from this translation. A completed registration form (with tuition) must be turned in before School begins.
Another date to remember – Mark your Calender
The 34th CCI Homecoming Jubilee – March 19 – 21, 2010

The weekend of March 19th through the 21st, 2010, will be our Christian Challenge 34th Homecoming Jubilee. Joel Dyke is our special speaker. He and his wife Angel will also lead a ‘Couple’s Retreat’ on Friday evening and Saturday morning.
Jubilee is always a special event for Christian Challenge, with worship, special singing, preaching, drama, and dinner-on-the-grounds. All I can tell you is to be ready to, ‘expect the unexpected.’
More to come.
In Christ always,
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