Does God Really Care About Little Animals

“How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. The bird also has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, evenContinue reading →

“How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. The bird also has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Your altars, O LORD of hosts, My King and my God.” (Psa 84:1-3)



Sometimes I receive questions from children wanting to know if there will be animals in heaven. Often it has to do with the loss of a pet. I always assure them that their little dog or cat will certainly be there.

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever wondered if God really does care much for the animals he has created? I say that He does. I believe that God’s love is directed to all of creation.

Notice how Jesus points to God’s care for the animals:

“Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God.” (Luk 12:6)

Did you catch it? Not one sparrow is ever forgotten before God.

Perhaps the best way I know to share about God’s love for animals is with a true story of a godly Christian woman that the Lord used to help a small dog. See if this story touches your heart.


The Story of Our Little Hobo

You’re probably wondering, “Where in the world is she going with this.” God loves hobos?

This story is about a four-legged hobo who showed up in my front yard homeless, neglected, hungry, and almost lifeless, two weeks ago. It was obvious he hadn’t been loved and cared for.

It was our larger dog, Leroy, who found the little guy when he was going for his last walk of the day. My husband opened my front door, dropped a big ball of fur in my lap and said, “Look what Leroy found.” At first glance I couldn’t even tell what it was.

It was late so we decided to put him in a cage for the night and attempt to locate the owner the next day. My husband found the owner half a block away but it seems she had thrown this precious baby out of her house and said, “He’s not right. I don’t want him anymore.”

I had the day off so decided to take our little visitor to the vet to have him checked out. He was in pretty bad shape with ear infection in both ears, conjunctivitis, infected with fleas, matted hair, and it was obvious he hadn’t been fed properly and only weighed four pounds. We gave him all his shots, medicated him for the infections and treated him to a day at the spa (groomers).

I began posting pictures and sharing about the life of this little dog on Facebook. I was amazed by the love and concern that was being shown for our little hobo. He was pretty quiet at first but within a few days he decided he would try to become leader of the pack. Leroy and Alex didn’t approve of his decision and voted not to allow this to happen.

But our little visitor never gave up. He was getting a lot of love and attention and he didn’t want to share any of it with the big boys.

For some reason I knew this was not to be his final home. I guess my first clue was not being able to name him. We nicknamed him our little hobo because he was homeless and looked a little rugged at first. But I knew he would have a name some day and would also have an owner who would love and care for him.

I have no doubt that God temporarily placed him in our care to nurture him back to health and to care for him while he was preparing his permanent home. I somehow knew that God was preparing a heart to receive this little special gift that he created.

Last night I brought him to my room and laid him on my bed while I worked from my computer. I glanced over at his little eyes and noticed him staring at me and watching every move I made. It was unusual for him to be up that late but he was wide awake looking at me as if he knew something I didn’t.

I began to talk to God and tell him that I knew he was preparing his home and I knew in my heart he was working on building a little mansion just for him. He was once homeless, neglected, abused, and thrown away because he wasn’t perfect, but I knew he was perfect in Gods eyes and I also knew he would be perfect in the eyes of whoever God chose to receive him.

On my way to work this morning I thought of the little dog again as I prayed, and I asked God to let this day be all about Jesus.

Today was not going to be a typical work day. Myself and three others had to drive to Malvern for defensive driving. On the way to Malvern I began to share the story of our little dog with another driver who was sitting across from me. I didn’t realize that our driver, Keith, was paying attention to our conversation.

As he turned and looked at me, I noticed tears coming from his eyes. Now this is not unusual for Keith because he is very tender-hearted. He is a pastor and a servant to our Lord and Savior and has such a passion for Christ. We have had many conversations about the Lord and I always enjoy being around someone who knows Christ personally.

He began to share how he and his wife, especially his wife, had wanted a Yorkie for over a year. He said they had discussed it many times but the timing was never right. He knew immediately when listening to our conversation that this was from God. He knew this little Yorkie was a “God thing” and was meant to be.

I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing something else with you. He said today after we got back from class he went home, knelt down and prayed over what had just happened. God touched a heart through the life of a little hobo and I imagine Keith felt the love of God and wanted to give him thanks, and praise him for giving them their hearts desire.

How Awesome is our God!!

Normally after a class I would drive the rest of the day, but today there were no vehicles available for me to drive so I had the afternoon off. We planned to meet back at the base at 4pm to let him meet his gift God had just given him.

I came home and loved on our little hobo and wondered if I was doing the right thing. I began to miss him already and dreaded handing him over. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle it so I asked for Gods help. I asked him if it was his will, would he take this lump out of my throat and take the hurt away.

God definitely has a sense of humor. The little hobo jumped down from my lap, ran in the dining room and pee’d twice in the floor. I had to laugh because it reminded me of a song “you’ve lost that loving feeling, oh that loving feeling.”

I got a little upset with the little hobo and lost that loving feeling, at least long enough to transfer ownership.

That loving feeling is back now, but it’s more for my father who entrusted me with the care of one of his creations who was abandoned, abused, neglected and thrown away because a human didn’t think he was good enough.

Aren’t you glad our father doesn’t throw us away or forget about us because we aren’t good enough?

We don’t have to earn his Love. He loves us no matter how many mistakes we make, and forgets our past when we come to him through faith. He loves us and knows our hearts desire. He loved this couple enough to give them their hearts desire and if he can see a fallen sparrow he can surely see a lost and lonely puppy who just wants to be loved and cared for.

I miss the little hobo tonight, but my heart is filled with joy because I got to see how God works and I just spent a day with it being “All about Jesus.”

God answers prayers and if he can love a little hobo and do this much for him, how much more do you think he loves us and is willing to care for our needs.

How great is our God!!



Thanks Linda and thanks Keith for letting me share this story.

Little Hobo has a new daddy now. Keith Lewis is one of God’s servant pastors, and Little Hobo has a new name. His new name is ‘Keynu’.

So, what do you think? Does God love little hobos? Sure he does. We were all hobos at one time.

Here is a video that will speak to your heart …

Would like to hear from my readers. Feel free to share a comment or two.

In Christ always,







Views: 187

Posted by Buddy

Lawrence "Buddy" Martin and his wife Betty are co-founders of Christian Challenge International. They have served the Lord in the ministry since the mid-1960s. They began Christian Challenge in 1976 with a stewardship from the Lord. The ministry began as a ‘School for Christian Workers’. It was Brother Buddy’s vision for ministry and missions that has led graduates of the school to enter the ministry as pastors or missionaries. Multiplied hundreds of disciples have been trained under the auspices of Christian Challenge.


What a great entry! Dogs have ALWAYS been close to my family’s heart and there are countless of my little pups up there waiting for me. I always dread that Kaiser can’t be here with us forever but have had my heart gladdened by this entry! Thank you!


I remember every dog that I’ve had since childhood. Dogs are the best of friends. They love you unconditionally.


Kitty Wiggins

Of course animals go to heaven. We have had several pets over the years. We have a pet cemetery in our yard. I don’t know what the next owner of this property will think if they start digging in the flower beds. That was a great story about Hobo. All our pets have been hobo’s. They just adopted us. They all still live in our hearts.

Kitty, you said something very interesting. It does seem that pets actually choose us rather than the other way. I’ve taken note of this over the years. Makes me wonder about the ‘God’ connection that is behind all this choosing. : )


Phyllis Griffith

What a touching story. We hve a yorkie, lab and dachshud in our family and we are true animal lovers. I believe animals have a spirit and so much love and life to give. Thank you so much for being such kind people. Hobo is adorable and an inspiraton.


Thanks for sharing. Our two dogs are very much members of the family. I certainly agree that animals have so much love and life to give.


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