“Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.”
(Act 3:19-21)
When is the last time you’ve been to an old-time revival meeting?
Or to word it better, ‘How would you like to hear an old-time preacher try to preach an old-time revival meeting?’
Well now is your chance. Better mark your calendar. Here’s the information
Martin’s in Revival
Mora House of Prayer – Mora, Louisiana
Friday and Saturday 6:30 p.m. – June 29th and 30th
Sunday Home Coming, 10:30 a.m. – July 1st
Martins: Nathan on the guitar, Shana on the piano, Faith on the base guitar, Buddy on the banjo, and Rich Waring on the harmonicas.
Just For Old Time’s Sake

Think back 42 years, and you’ll have the Martins in revivals.
It is such an honor to be invited by Sister Sandra Hillman Wallace to serve as the evangelist for the revival at Mora House of Prayer. How long has it been?
Wow, such memories – Forty-two years ago we held our first revival in this very church. I was 30 years old and now I’m pressing 72.
Come to think of it, many of my readers weren’t even born then. In fact our daughter wasn’t yet part of the picture.
And many of the old timers from those long gone years, have already made their journey home. I have such wonderful memories of God’s people who are no longer with us on this side of heaven.
Well, for the Martins, our evangelism circuit was largely in Louisiana but with some revivals in Texas, and a short stint of ministry work in New Mexico.
However, Central Louisiana was always our favorite preaching grounds. We held meetings or otherwise preached in churches in Mora, Flatwoods, Pinecoupee, Sharp, Lena, and other outlying areas. (We sort of lost count of the baptisms. They were so many.)
But the Mora church will always have a very special place in our hearts. The Hillmans had just taken pastorate of the church and the Martins were their first evangelists. Some years later that we were blessed to pastor that very church before establishing Christian Challenge.
But the circle has been made. Sister Hillman is now the pastor. (Brother Hillman went to be with the Lord in 1999. It was my honor to preach his funeral. How I have always loved that family.)
Yup, it’s time to dust off the guitar, shake out the cobwebs, stir up the bones and set about to preach the old, old, story of how a Savior came from glory.
Yup, you know the story of how He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me.
It’s going to be old-timey. The Martins will be sharing gospel music from yesteryear.
I want to extend a special invite to all our friends who have had a share in the Martin revivals in years gone by. It would be wonderful to see many of those that were baptized during the revivals.
And now for a bit of humor. Yup….
A Little Humor Goes a Long Way
I’ve often been asked how a person can know if they have been called to the ministry? My stock answer is, ‘If you can stay out of the ministry, you weren’t called to begin with.’
As for me, the call to preach has rested on my heart from childhood. You can verify this with some of my cousins.
I use to hem some of my cousins in the outhouse while I stood in the door so they couldn’t escape. And there I would preach a hellfire and brimstone sermon. Course we didn’t have much room for an altar call. Everyone was just glad when I let them out.
Well, no, I’ve never lost my sense of humor. The good news is that I’ve graduated far beyond fire and brimstone preaching. Found out through the years that the gospel has a much greater story to tell.
The old old story is about a Father’s love for all of fallen humanity. It is the story of redeeming grace. It is a story that cannot be measured by any measurement we are acquainted with.
Jesus said it best of all. Listen:
“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.” (Joh 6:37-39)
Guess you could say that my ministry has had great changes through the years.
Be that what it may, here is a song that will minister to your heart. It carries the story of the gospel, the very story that I will be telling in the Mora House of Prayer revival – ‘Selah – There is a Fountain.’
Always in Christ,
Views: 40
It’s been a loooooonnnngg time since I’ve been to a hell fire & damnation revival. I remember those old Brush Arbor one’s……..that’s how long . As a child it give me nightmares. We live and learn. Thank you for teaching us Buddy.
I’ve preached in a couple of brush arbors. As for fire and brimstone, afraid those days are long gone. I’ve found a better way – Its called the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You are welcome for my part in teachings.
The Lord bless you,