Announcing the 49th School for Christian Workers

“Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. “Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out WORKERS into His harvest.'” (Mat 9:36-38)   Journal, Where Jesus told theContinue reading →

“Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out WORKERS into His harvest.'” (Mat 9:36-38)



Where Jesus told the disciples to beseech the Lord of the harvest to sent out workers into His harvest, the Biblical term for ‘worker’ (ergatés) speaks of a trained laborer. It is also used figuratively for a teacher.

Paul uses this term for the young minister, Timothy –

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman  (ergatés) who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2Ti 2:15)

The sole purpose of the CCI School for Christian Workers (ergatés) is to provide an atmosphere of training where believers can learn the walk of a Biblical disciple. Hundreds of believers have been trained under the auspices of the school. A number have entered the ministry as pastors or missionaries, or are involved in other aspects of the gospel ministry.

Here is the class schedule and other information for our next school. Prayerfully consider if this is where the Lord would have you attend. This may be exactly what you are looking for.

49th School for Christian Workers
Classes begin the weekend of September 9, 2012

Enrich your spiritual walk and become a better prepared disciple for the Lord through the 14-week training programs offered by the Christian Challenge International School for Christian Workers. The School is non-denominational and non-sectarian.

Email SCW@ChristianChallenge.Org for more details! Or register online today!


Course Descriptions

The Disciple’s Heart Training Program©

The Disciple’s Heart Training Program is the graduate course of the CCI School for Christian Workers. The purpose of this course is to open up the world of the disciple for believers.

If you wish a study program that is evangelism oriented and deeply spiritual, The Disciple’s Heart Training Program is the class to enroll in. Some students have taken this class several times just for the spiritual benefit. (Required for anyone wishing to serve in a ministry role at Christian Challenge. It has to be taken prior to the Disciple’s Heart II, or, The Shepherd’s Heart.)

Instructor: Lane Fletcher


The Disciple’s Heart II Training Program©

This course takes the believer into the next step of the world of the disciple. The class concentrates on a more personal level of discipleship by taking the believer into the very heart of our walk with the Lord. The student will learn much about himself and his own personal calling in life.

Instructor: Rich Carlisle


The Old Testament Bible Survey

The Old Testament Bible Survey provides the student with a better understanding of the Scriptures by bringing history, places, people, and festivals in the Old Testament together in a way that the students can see God’s plan of redemption working through the ages.

Instructor: Jason McManus

The Shepherd’s Heart Minister’s Training Program©

The emphasis of this training program is upon preaching and teaching, although it will prove beneficial to any believer who desires training in Biblical study skills and in Bible interpretation.

The Shepherd’s Heart covers the gospel ministry from sermon preparation to Bible interpretation. It includes lessons such as Pulpit Wisdom, Lessons in Life and Holiness. The student learns forms of speaking including extemporaneous. 

Instructor: Lawrence “Buddy” Martin

Vision For The Nations

Vision for the Nations is an analysis of the World Christian Movement based on the Perspectives study program produced by the US Center for World Missions. The course focus is on Biblical and historical foundations for missions. It deals with cross-cultural considerations in communicating the gospel today.

This course has proven to be an eye-opener to all who have taken it. Training includes video presentations by leading missiologists and missionaries from around the world. Billy Graham said, “There is no volume of which I know that will inform, inspire and motivate Christians for world evangelism like the Perspectives course.”

Instructor: Nathan Martin

Conversational Spanish

The focus of the Conversational Spanish class is to give the student a working knowledge of spoken Spanish. This class is a perfect introduction to the world of Spanish and is great for those planning short-term missions’ trips. Emphasis is placed on phrases dealing with day-to-day issues and building a vocabulary of useable words. Opportunities are also given for the student to have a testimony translated for use on a missions’ trip. 

Instructors: Jonathan Martinez, Nathan Martin


Financial Peace University

In 13 action-packed lessons, you’ll learn how to beat debt, build wealth, find bargains, invest for the future, give like never, and much more! This information will change your life.

Instructors: Gary & Nora Fisher


Tuition is $35.00 per course (some courses require additional textbooks, i.e., Spanish and Financial Peace University – Financial Peace University is $100).

The School runs 13 weeks and concludes with a graduation banquet. Each class meets once a week.  

It is recommended that students use the New American Standard Bible since most Scripture references are taken from this translation. A completed registration form (with tuition) must be turned in before School begins.


A Note From the Founder

My wife and I founded Christian Challenge in 1976, as a School for Christian Workers. The Lord had placed on our hearts to offer a training program in Central Louisiana, that would function on the basis of the Old Testament School of the Prophets.

The School of the Prophets was actually a mentoring society where the older servants of God could teach the younger servants. This is what our School for Christian Workers is all about. And though classes meet only once each week, the training involved affects the disciple’s every day walk.

You will rarely find training programs of the nature that we offer. Our school is unique. It is nondenominational and nonsectarian. Our sole interest is in opening the world of the Biblical disciple to our students.

We’ve had students come through our Disciple’s Heart Training Program, to tell us that they learned more of a spiritual nature in that one class than they did in Bible college. From the first class you will begin to realize that the world of the disciple is like nothing you’ve been exposed to.

If you would like a bit of extra insight into our School, go to following page. Be sure to click on the video at the bottom of the page. It tells the story of Christian Challenge in part —

May the Lord richly reward you for you devotion to His kingdom.

In Christ always,


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