Don’t Run Ethel, Don’t Run

  “‘As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.'” (Psa 16:1-3)   Journal, One of the most beautiful people I have ever had the privilege of knowing was a woman everyone called, ‘Mama Ethel.’ Actually her name was Ethel Morgan. I think the reason sheContinue reading →
Holy Ghost

This is one of the famous sayings by Mama Ethel


“‘As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.'” (Psa 16:1-3)



One of the most beautiful people I have ever had the privilege of knowing was a woman everyone called, ‘Mama Ethel.’ Actually her name was Ethel Morgan.

I think the reason she was called Mama Ethel, was because she had worked for white doctors through her many years, and the children always called her, Mama Ethel.

Mama Ethel went to be with the Lord, in July, 1999. That was fourteen years ago. But I woke up this morning with Mama Ethel on my heart. It was like the Lord was refreshing me with wonderful memories of this dear saint of God.

I think my readers will enjoy some of the things I’ll share about Mama Ethel. To begin with, Mama Ethel was one of the first members of Christian Challenge when we began in 1976. She was such a sweetheart and so full of the goodness of the Lord. And could she ever do the ‘Mash Potatoes’. (That is a dance of years ago. You old timers will remember it.)

Mama Ethel had a wonderful walk with the Lord, but she could also share some stories that would set your laughter button in motion. At the same time Mama Ethel was as spiritual a person as I’ve ever known. You’ll understand this a bit later in this entry.

Anyway, I’m going to share both some laughter stories from Mama Ethel and then some stories that show how deeply spiritual her walk with the Lord truly was.

With the laughter stories, I pray no one is offended. But if I don’t tell them as best I remember Mama Ethel telling them, we will miss out on some precious things.

Let’s begin with…


Don’t Run Ethel

Mama Ethel had been widowed for many years. She never remarried.

Here is the story from Mama Ethel —

Mama Ethel was young war bride. Her husband was back from WWII. Some of the soldiers were taken to Central State Hospital for recuperation. Mama Ether was visiting him. While they were lounging on the grounds, Mama Ethel saw a rather large gentleman off at a distance who was eyeing them. Suddenly the man started running towards them, and her husband said, “Don’t run Ethel. Don’t run. He is not going to hurt you.”

Enough of that – Mama Ethel took off running as fast as she could go. The man was chasing hard after her. What happened next tells the story. Mama Ethel tripped and fell. The man ran up to her, touch her on her shoulder, and said, “I got you tag.” And he took off running.

What Mama Ethel said next, I can’t repeat, but I’ll let you fill in the blank. Mama Ethel said, “I could have killed that *****!” (The word is generally offensive to our black friends unless they are using it among themselves.)

Don’t think for a moment that Mama Ethel was just a poor black sister with little education. She could speak French as well as English. She had spent a large part of her life traveling with the well-to-do families that she took care of. Mama Ethel knew what life was all about. She had been widowed for many years.

Now I have to tell another story where Mama Ethel reached back to her childhood. Every time she tells these stories, Mama Ethel would just burst our laughing. She would have all of us rolling in the floor.

Here is another.


Running Across the Field

This story takes place at a wake. This was back when funerals were held in the home and family and friends would gather until time to take the body to the cemetery. Some would stay all night. (I well remember this when my grandfather Martin passed.)

Here’s the story Mama Ethel told —

The body was laying there and the room had a number of family and friends attending. Visiting was robust as usual. Plenty of food was available.

Late in the evening everyone began to doze off. Mama Ethel said that when everyone was asleep, some of the boys took the body, placed it in a corner and fixed it where it wouldn’t fall. Then they began shouting out as loud as they could. “Wake up! Wake up!” (Something like that.)

Everyone was startled awake. They looked at the body and all at once, they bound for the door. There was such a commotion with everyone trying to get through the door at the same time. Mama Ethel said that in just a bit, all you could see was the bottom of white feet running across the field. (Those were her words.)

Mama Ethel did not tell these stories to make fun of anyone. We were family to her.

I loved to take Betty and our kids to visit Mama Ethel. Two things especially stood out to me. Mama Ethel always called me, Elder. She would never let us leave her house until she had gone to her pantry and loaded us down with goodies.

She always had a special love for our daughter Shana. She called Shana, ‘Little Mama.’

But the second thing that stood out was what I noticed in her living room. On her linoleum floor in front of the couch were two worn down spots. When I ask Mama Ethel about the spots, she just said those spots were where she placed her knees when she prayed to her husband. (She always called Jesus, her husband.)

Now for something about the deep of this dear woman’s walk.


Pray for Elder, He is in Trouble

It happened in March, 1978. I was holding a meeting in Garland, Texas. I’m going to do something different with Rich in Faiththis story. I went back into my earlier ‘memoirs’ to find where I wrote about this incident.

Here is the story as written in my memoirs. (Small adjustments are made for clarity. I tend to use my own special shorthand notes. I’ll use brackets [ ] to help clarify something.)

The Story of the Dark Cloud – As Recorded

Reflection – This meeting proved unusual in more than one way. The pastor, R. C. Sandifer had been in Alexandria, where we became acquainted. R. C. was attracted to my ministry and asked me to hold a seminar in their church. Two things happened that are noteworthy. In a prayer meeting at his son-in-laws home, the Lord showed me that some of the couples in that meeting would become part of the Christian Challenge. (I did not share this with anyone.)

In time, two of R.C.’s daughters and their families became part of our ministry. (Alan/Ann Stroud; Jeff/Nan Murphy.) The second thing was the physical distress. [For some reason] I began to get weaker. When I did make it home my physical body had grown so weak that I had difficulty walking. This had to be demonic in nature. The room I slept in was at Alan Stroud’s mother’s home. The walls had occultic symbols on them. (It was Alan’s sister’s room. She was gone.)

The testimony of God’s grace is wonderful. Joe Garlington was supposed to have gone with me but his daughter, Missy, came down with appendicitis.

Mama Ethel, a black sister who attended the ministry from Boyce, called Betty to warn her about a dark cloud following me. When Betty called Garland I was asleep. In trying to talk with her on the phone it was as though I were in a deep tunnel. I could hardly gather myself to speak. [It like I had to fight my way out.]

From that time on weakness began to afflict my body. I didn’t really notice it until I began getting ready to leave.  On the way out of town my car stalled on the interstate. [I could not get it to start. Tried several times.] It was then that I really knew something was wrong. I laid my hands on the steering wheel and began to pray and to rebuke the powers of darkness.

When I turned on the key the car came to life. I made it home. Early one morning the Lord spoke to me and said that He had delivered me from the mouth of the lion. I wept much over the goodness of the Lord. After a couple weeks I began a comeback. I determined not to give in to whatever this was. From this I learned some important things about spiritual warfare and about God’s keeping love. I had and have so much more to learn.

I realize this is getting a bit long but I really need to tell one more story. It has to do with Mama Ethel’s journey home.


Mama Ethel’s Knees

Once again I will reach into my memoirs. Here is how I recorded Mama Ethel’s homecoming.

Recorded Sunday, July 25, 1999 – Note: Ethel Morgan (Mama Ethel) died Monday. She was found on her knees in the living room with her face on her Bible. This was her way of praying.

Nathan and I attended her funeral yesterday at Taylor Hill. When Mama Ethel was a member of CCI at Boyce, she had worn two spots in her linoleum run at the couch where she knelt to pray daily.

Mama Ethel was a remarkable woman. Her family will miss her (especially her prayers and counsel) greatly. She is now with her husband, Jesus. 

Yes, I believe that Mama Ethel was one of the majestic ones that David wrote about. Sure, Mama Ethel had her faults just as we all do. But what a heart for the Lord. 

Was Mama Ethel different? Yes, she really was. But she lived a life without prejudice. She loved everyone equally. And one of her favorite sayings was, “Elder, there ain’t no black Holy Ghost and white Holy Ghost.”

There is more I could write about this special lady but perhaps what I’ve shared will touch someone’s heart.

Here is a song that I pray will touch your heart. Its about going home.

[youtube][/youtube] [signoff]

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Posted by Buddy

Lawrence "Buddy" Martin and his wife Betty are co-founders of Christian Challenge International. They have served the Lord in the ministry since the mid-1960s. They began Christian Challenge in 1976 with a stewardship from the Lord. The ministry began as a ‘School for Christian Workers’. It was Brother Buddy’s vision for ministry and missions that has led graduates of the school to enter the ministry as pastors or missionaries. Multiplied hundreds of disciples have been trained under the auspices of Christian Challenge.

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