What will be, will be…

“After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward shall be very great.” – (Gen 15:1 nasb) Journal, You may find it interesting to know that all the promises given to Abraham can only be fulfilled in Christ.Continue reading →
“After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward shall be very great.” – (Gen 15:1 nasb)


You may find it interesting to know that all the promises given to Abraham can only be fulfilled in Christ. This is irrespective of whether you are Jew or Gentile. In the study to follow, we want to consider how one particular promise given to Abraham, becomes the hallmark of a believer’s walk with the Lord. We will also see why new covenant believers are noted as children of Abraham.

Abram had been through an exhausting experience in his rescue of Lot and his family. On his return home the “friend of God” was refreshed by Melchizedek king of Salem.

It appears that after leaving the king of Salem, Abram was struggling with fear of reprisal from the kings that he had defeated. He knew his servants were no match for their trained warriors if they decided to avenge themselves against him.

We have to keep in mind that Abram was still a stranger in a strange land. But something would happen to settled the issue. It says the “Word of the Lord” came to Abram in a vision. What he heard was, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward will be very great.” (Gen15:1)

A miniature picture of the believers walk.

This is only one of Abraham’s experiences with the “Word of the Lord” that helped give shape to his walk of faith. Actually, the life of Abraham is a miniature picture of a new covenant believer’s walk with Jesus. Abraham’s whole life was an out-walking of a call from the Lord. Such is the new covenant believer’s walk with the Lord.

To appreciate what happened to Abraham in this incidence, we need to grasp something that the ancients believed (which also accords with the New Testament). According to the Targums and according to Philo, the Hebrew people believed that “the Word of the Lord” spoke of God Himself, that is, God entering into creation in a form or in a way that was perceivable to the senses.

The sages had a number of terms to express this ‘coming forth of God.’ They spoke of God coming forth from God in various terms, such as, the Reflection, the Image, the Form, God’s Shadow, the Shekinah, the Word, God’s Wisdom, Memra or Logos, and even ‘the Angel of His Presence.’

The reason this knowledge is important to believers is because we find many of these same terms being expressed not only in the new covenant writings but also in the writings of the Old Testament prophets. In fact, the Bible is filled throughout with an under flowing revelation that reaches its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. (The more you study the Scriptures, the more you will see Jesus.)

A Message for all believers.

And so the Lord appeared to Abraham with a message that carries through to all who truly believe in Jesus. He said, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward will be very great.” The Messiah Himself would be Abram’s shield. Of course a shield serves a purpose of protection. For the believer, Christ Himself is our shield against all our enemies, against the power of sin, against Satan and all that the world offers.
Is the Lord Himself a shield for us? Yes, but in a manner that goes far beyond the physical. When Jesus entered into our world, it was to take our place on the cross of redemption. Out of the cross, the Lord Jesus was to take to Himself all believers. The apostle spoke to this in saying, “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Col3:3)

In fact when Paul tells believers to take up “the shield of faith,” he is speaking of our faith in Jesus. Our protection does not come from our “faith in faith.” It is bound up in our faith in Jesus. No one becomes an overcomer because they have faith in faith. In fact I have heard terribly distorted messages concerning the issue of faith. It is as though faith itself had become a thing we were to trust in. We are never told to trust in faith. We are told to place our faith Christ alone.

When the Lord said that He was Abram’s shield, this truth reaches across redemption history. David adds, “For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12) The message God keeps sending His children is not to be afraid.

The struggle with fear.

Like Abraham, Paul struggled with fear. He also had a vision from the Lord. Listen: “The Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city.” (Acts 18:9,10)

Jesus Christ has become our world. He is our shield of eternity. This does not mean that we will have no trials or struggles in life. Far from it. What it means is that we are the children of eternity. Our destiny is His destiny. This truth comes under the great doctrine of our full ‘Identification With Christ.’ John said, “As He is so also are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17)

How then does all this work in our relationship to Abraham? The apostle said, “So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer.” (Gal3:9) Paul includes in the blessing of Abraham, the promise of all believers having the Spirit of the Lord in their lives.
The children of Abraham.

Then Paul includes,
“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.” (Gal3:27-29)

The only thing we have left is the last part of the promise given to Abram. The Word of the Lord said, “Your reward shall be very great.”
Did Abraham understand this idea of reward? Did he know it had to do with eternity? Did he know it had to do with a place called heaven? Yes, he understood much of this. And so did God’s people of old.

It says,
“By faith [Abraham] lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; for he was looking for a city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (Heb11:9,10)

But it doesn’t end there. Listen again,
“All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth … But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” (Cf. Heb11:13-16)

Yes, we have the shield of Abraham. His God is our God. His Lord and Savior and Messiah is our Lord and Savior and Messiah.

How about you? Are you holding loosely to the world and tightly to Jesus? Are you living as though a pilgrim in this present world? Really something to think about.
What does any of this have to do with the title of this journal entry, ‘What will be, will be’? Very much indeed. God has already declared what is to be. With that in mind, I am going to share a song with you that is secular, but is filled with wisdom if you connect it to God’s, ‘What will be, will be.”

Take time to listen to Doris Day as she sings, ‘Que sa ra, sa ra.’

Always in Christ,

Views: 22

Posted by Buddy

Lawrence "Buddy" Martin and his wife Betty are co-founders of Christian Challenge International. They have served the Lord in the ministry since the mid-1960s. They began Christian Challenge in 1976 with a stewardship from the Lord. The ministry began as a ‘School for Christian Workers’. It was Brother Buddy’s vision for ministry and missions that has led graduates of the school to enter the ministry as pastors or missionaries. Multiplied hundreds of disciples have been trained under the auspices of Christian Challenge.


Thanks, my sweet Buddy . . . each time I say, “hey, buddy” to my little friends and patients, I fondly think of you. Your words give me such peace. You are a blessing and my conduit to goodness and, yes, faith, in His word. Blessed Easter to you and yours! I give daily thanks and can’t measure the joy brought into my bones, heart, and soul that “He is Risen” finally fills me we gratitude and awe.

Your cousin and a child of the Great I AM,


Thank you Twy,

You always gladden my heart when you write. I count you as one of my special blessings in life. May your heart continue to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord. And thank God we have reason to celebrate ‘Resurrection Sunday.’

Love to you and yours from your country cousin in Louisiana,


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