“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”
(Gen 4:7)
“For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” (Rom 6:14)
Here it is, January 1, 2011, the first day of a new year. And here we are setting out once again with making new year’s resolutions. And here we are once again with our little traditions that supposedly will set the tone for a prosperous year to come. (Sharing a meal of cabbage and black-eyed peas, etc.)
I’ve never been one for making a list of resolutions although I do consider in my heart things that I wish to have a fresh start on. Oh yes, we all struggle. However, the problem goes far beyond making resolutions. The greater issue is how to gain a hold on life itself, and how to live a life of victory over our many struggles and failures.
I woke up this morning wondering how to begin my first journal entry for 2011. My mind kept going back to the email I had just received from a young Christian soldier concerning his struggles with sin issues. I was impressed that sharing my exchange with this young man would be an excellent way to help others who may be facing the similar struggles.
In sharing my exchange with this young soldier I’ll make adjustments for the sake of confidentiality and privacy. I’ve also reworded some of my responses for additional clarification. In the following exchange place your cursor over the Scriptures references. They will appear while you are reading. If you are a woman, transpose this exchange to suit your own life.
Here goes…
The Struggle Over Thoughts
Young soldier: “How can I stop having these bad thoughts and stop asking, why God did this and that? And sometimes make jokes about things I see in church?”
Response: “The thoughts of the heart determine our life at that moment. This is why Jesus dealt with sin as an issue of the heart. I want to encourage you to meditate on Pro4:23; “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs (issues or forces) of life.” (Read all of Proverbs 4.)
“Another thing that can help you is to stop questioning God and start trusting Him for all the issues of life. God is far greater than you and I. His understanding is inscrutable. Here are some more Scriptures that you should consider: Isaiah 40:25-31; Isaiah 45:6-11; Romans 11:33-36.
“You really need to ask the Lord to open your understanding with regard to life and to His ways.”
Note: A temptation is not a sin of itself. Jesus was tempted in all measures just as we are. A temptation is an allurement or solicitation to
do evil. It is the enemies attempt to gain control over part of our life by way of our thinking and our imagination. The Lord supplies strength and power to overcome the enemies solicitation. Here are our instructions: Isaiah40:28-31; 2Co10:3-5; Col3:1-5; Phil4:6-9.
Young soldier: “…I can be in church and serving and praising the Lord and in such a great feeling. But then there are times that in my mind I start looking around and having thoughts on how nice this lady looks. I’m a little ashamed to say but while in church I have thoughts of actually seeing myself going out with other women besides my wife. Then I catch myself and in my mind I ask God to please forgive me for such thoughts and to help me stop thinking of things like that. But it happens again and it scares me because I know this is the house of God and I shouldn’t be thinking of being with other women or on how silly such person looks or how nasty that men is!”
Response: “Keep in mind that temptations are common to all men and to all women. The fact that you are able to judge things while they are still in your heart is a major plus. Also that you do pray about these things is another major plus. The Lord is going to help you work this through. Some of this is habitual. Bad habits can be replaced with good habits. (Even spiritually)
“Another thing that can help is to keep your marriage before you. Think about your wife. She is your companion for life. Then think about this — How would you feel if you knew your wife had those same thoughts running through her mind about other men? (Lustful thoughts.) Would it please you if you knew your wife wondered what it would be like to take so-and-so to bed for a sexual encounter? Would you not be very displeased.
“You need to start thanking God for your marriage and for all that He has given you. Did you know that the Bible says the wife is a gift from God. One of the greatest gifts that a man can receive from the Lord is his companion for life.
“Here are some more Scriptures for you to meditate upon: Prov5:15-23; Prov19:14; Eccl9:9; Mal2:13-16; 1Co7:2. (Take time to meditate on all the Scriptures that I am sharing. They will help strengthen your spiritual and mental life.)
Young soldier: “It Is not only in church but basically everywhere I go. I try to not make fun of people but then I catch my self doing it again! It really concerns me because I want to do the right thing. I even accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, but I’m so scared that God gets tired of me asking him to forgive me because of what I was thinking or what I said!”
Response: “God will never tire of you asking for forgiveness. It is when you stop asking for forgiveness that the Lord will need to bring a different correction in your life. (Punitive judgment.)”
Young soldier: “I grew up visiting the church. Then as a teenager I started going in other ways and use to do drugs and dated many, many women and cheated on many of them with other women, but I have changed my ways. My tour in Iraq made me appreciate many things so decided to come back to God and here I am. I pray every day and even at work while working. I’m asking God to forgive me and to take me through his path so that I can learn more of his ways. But all these thoughts keep coming to my mind. And I just fear because I know that Jesus is coming soon and we should all be in the right track!”
Response: “You are doing the right thing in keeping this before the Lord.”
Note: God gives us His own Spirit to help us maintain a strong walk before Him. There no way that we can walk in victory if we depend on our own power. The Lord knows that. Every child of God has in the deep of their heart what the Bible calls ‘a fountain of life.’ One of our greatest needs is to learn to draw from God’s fountain. Cf. Psa36:7-9; John4:14; John7:37-39; Rev22:17
Young soldier: “I hope this wasn’t too much but I’m really concerned. I love Jesus and I know he is the way but it seems so hard to earn your way to heaven and so easy to fall, I’ll still keep fighting but still wonder what God would think! Thank you and God bless you!!!”
Response: “You do not have to earn your way to heaven. You are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. He took all your sins to the cross, past, present, and future sins have already been judged in Him. Does this mean we are free to sin? Not at all. It means that sin can never again Lord over us or be our Master.
“That you love the Lord and continue to wage a fight against the issue of ungodliness is proof in itself that you belong to the Lord. A sinner sins by nature and feels no remorse. (Unless caught.) A child of God sins by temptation but sin in itself is contrary to the nature of a child of God. This is why you struggle. It is not in your Christian nature to maintain a life of sin.
Think about these things. And let me know how you are doing.
May the Lord richly reward you with a full victory in all areas of your life.
In Christ always,
Note: I realize there is much more that I could share with this young man. Hopefully he will continue to write me. What I wanted to do was keep my response simple and leave it open for further discussion. Also — To any of my readers. Feel free to write me by using the ‘Questions’ at the top part of my blog.
Here is an update on class schedules for the 46th CCI School for Christian Workers
May the Lord richly bless you in 2011. Why not set aside time to invest in your spiritual future. It is as the apostle Peter said:
“Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God. For, ‘All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls off, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.’ And this is the word which was preached to you.” – (1Pe 1:22-25)
Always your friend in Christ,
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