Conservative ground swell

Things You May Not Know


“Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has understanding, but in the hearts of fools it is made known.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Pro 14:33-34)



Thought I would add a new mix to my journal and share some tidbits of information that my readers may not be aware of. The mix will come from Biblical insights as well as from other selective information sources. I certain welcome any responses my readers would like to make.

Let’s begin with misleading thoughts on …


The Homosexual Presence

Many will be surprised to learn that the shape of homosexuality in this nation is far less than supposed. Gallup conducted the largest poll ever made on homosexuality in the USA.

The Gallup survey included over 121,000 people. When asked what people estimated the homosexual population percentage to be in the USA, most guessed at 25%. Well, how wrong can you be.  The single largest study ever conducted found that the population percentage of homosexuals in this nation is 3.4%. Isn’t that amazing! Bet you didn’t know. 


Now let’s talk about…


A Conservative Ground Swell

For a several years I’ve provided self-help Biblical study groups on the web. One of these groups in particular has to do with Christians who have been spiritually mishandled in a religious setting. A constant advice that I give these struggling souls is that, ‘Time is always on the side of truth.’ 

That time is the best friend you have. And this is exactly what is happening in America. What many don’t realize is that there is a conservative ground swell taking place in this nation. It can be likened to Americans beginning to wake up and smell the roses. This is why the political scenery is beginning to change. You can smell it in the wind. 

Why is there a ground swell? The reason is the greatest part of the American landscape holds to conservative values. Regardless of what some would have you to think, to taunt that American is not a Christian-based nation is far from the truth.

We are a freedom loving people and this includes our ways of worship. What we don’t do is attempt to set up a state religion. But as a people it has never been our want to exclude God from our landscape. Above and behind the halls of congress you will find this statement, ‘In God We Trust.’ 

And this is what our present political adventure is all about. The recent polls are showing a shift towards Governor Romney. Many who voted for Obama in 2008, are changing their vote. Newspapers who endorsed Obama in 2008, are endorsing Romney. The polls are showing Romney surpassing Obama in States that are making a reversal.

Be careful here. Don’t make this merely about religion in and of itself. Yes, we love God. However, it’s really about the conservative values versus liberalism. Liberalism is the move behind same-sex marriages and mutilating babies in the womb. Yes, I said mutilating!

Liberalism is the voice that blames America for all the woes in the world, that apologizes continually for our mislaid values. What liberalism won’t tell you is that this nation has been the salt of the earth in providing food for the hungry, for derailing dictators, and for espousing true democratic values that the world is longing for. These values did not come out of nothing. They came out of the overwhelming Christian culture of this nation. 


Yes, I Have a Pet Peeve

This may sound a bit strange, but even as a minister of the gospel, I still have a hard time forgetting how liberalism in this country was at the background for deriding our Vietnam warriors. We lost over 58,000 military in that war, and all the while Hollywood stars were romancing North Vietnam. Guess the hardest one for me to get over is Jane Fonda.

Yes, I know – I heard that Fonda had become a Christian. But in a news release of late I saw where she still mimicked the voice of liberalism. It is hard to forget how she betrayed the American POWs in Vietnam.  

Vietnam was my war. I was stationed in the Philippine Islands and then aboard ship in the early time of Vietnam. I flew as a radioman on P5M’s, recording Soviet and Chinese shipping in the South China Sea.

At that time we were still sending in trainers. In all this I had cousins who later fought in Vietnam and left with emotional and physical battle scars. One cousin died from Agent Orange. He was on a gunboat on the Mekong Delta.

I have no ill feelings towards the Vietnamese people. I am happy for the relationship we now have with Vietnam. Yet I wonder if Jan Fonda ever asked for forgiveness for her part in that war. Maybe she has. I don’t know.

Perhaps I should let Jane speak for herself. In her own words you will still hear the creeds of liberalism. Decide for yourself.


And Now for a Case of Political Humor

So much for the tidbits that I set forth. Perhaps we need something light to end this entry.

How about political warmness, that still makes the point. Take time for these two videos that took place just yesterday at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation. It is funny beyond words. (First video is Obama. Second is for Romney.)

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]


Always in Christ,



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