
For the Love of Jesus Christ

When He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

“And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.'”  

(Rev 5:8-9)



How does a person truly know that they are saved? That really isn’t a difficult question to answer. To know Jesus personally is to love Him personally.

This love for Jesus carries its own witness in the heart of every believer. And it is this love for Jesus that becomes the major guidepost in the life of all who belong to Him.

For all true believers, a love for Jesus and faith in Jesus are inseparable. They are very much the same.

Peter puts a face on how the love of Jesus and faith in Jesus are connected —

“…so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable … though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” 1Pe 1:7,8


A Love that is Divine

It is important to understand what distinguishes a believer’s love for Jesus from all other religions in general. Actually it is this love for Jesus that differentiates Biblical Christianity from Orthodox Judaism, from the Isl?mic faith, and from every other religion to be found on planet earth.

A believer’s love for Jesus is the same love that the heavenly Father has for His Son. It is this divine love that encompasses all that salvation in Christ means.

Thus we have the statement, “God is love.” It is this special divine love found only in God, that is poured out into the heart of the true believer. It is this ‘unworldly‘ love that enables the believer to love the way God loves. And so it is this unique love that causes the true Christian to be unlike other people.

In fact the Lord gave one distinguishing sign that would cause people to know that a person belonged to Him. It would be the love sign.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even AS I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (Joh 13:34-35)

What many don’t realize is that the love Jesus is speaking of is a love that is only be found in God Himself. The love Jesus is talking about was not a love to be found in the natural human family before He came into our world. This is why it is so important to understand how God’s love fits into His work of redemption.
Notice how the apostle John uses the term ‘love‘ in his writings. Also note how the apostle identifies this love as a love that is to be found only in God. Thus it is this love in the heart of a believer that gives evidence that a person has truly been born of heaven.

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1Jn 4:7-11)

The afore Scriptures are self-explaining.

The point being that all true Christians have come to know Jesus Christ personally as the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the One who died for our sins, was buried, resurrected, and ascended into heaven; the One of whose eternal blood has been sprinkled on our hearts, and of whom we anxiously await His second coming; the One who is the center of our joy and rejoicing.

It is our love for Jesus and our unique love for one another that sets Christianity apart from all other forms of religion.

This brings me to how Jesus fits into the religions of Islam and of Judaism. I will only address the basic elements of Judaism, as are found in their holy writings, the Talmuds, and the basic elements of Islam, which are found in their holy writings, the Qur’an.


Jesus in Islam…

The teachings about Jesus in Islam are far less pervasive that what you find in Judaism. In Islam, Jesus is given special respect as one of the five great messengers (prophets) of God.

Islam regard Adam as the first prophet and Muhammad as the last prophet. Muhammed’s title is called, ‘Seal of the Prophets.’ The five great prophets (messengers of God), are Noah, Abraham, Noses, Jesus, and Muhammed. None of these are divine.

Islam regards Adam as the first prophet and Muhammad as the last prophet. Muhammad’s title is called, ‘Seal of the Prophets.’ The five great prophets (messengers of God), are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. None of these are divine.

In Islam, Jesus is called the son of the Virgin. However, He is not divine, nor is Jesus accounted as the Son of God; He was not crucified, nor does He have anything to do with the salvation of humanity. The strange one is that while Jesus is considered to be the Messiah, He is not Messiah in the sense as is found in the gospels. Jesus comes in second to Muhammad.

Muslims are taught that when Jesus does return, He will convert the world to Islam.

The point at hand is that while Muslims would never slander Jesus, yet their true knowledge of Him is limited. The people have been trapped in religion of darkness, one that uses militancy as its primary weapon, and one that makes Christianity its arch enemies. In some Isl?mic societies it is a death sentence for any Muslim to convert to Christianity.

The good news is that many millions of Muslim are having their eyes opened and are turning to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Their greatest need is to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Many of the Muslims of the world are turning to Jesus because a New Testament has been placed in their hands.


Jesus in Judaism is an altogether different story …

Again keep in mind that there are many levels of Judaism, just as there are many levels of Islam, as well as many levels of Christianity. Actually there are true believers in Jesus Christ among the Jewish people. But religiously speaking that would be an abnormality.

But here I will drawn on the Talmudic writings of the ancient Rabbinic Judaism. These writings remain the holiest books of Orthodox Judaism.

Most people are not aware of how Jesus is treated in the Talmud. Here is a sample:

“He [Onqelos] sent and brought up Jesus the Nazarene (Yeshu ha-notzri) out of his grave by necreomancy and asked him: ‘Who is important in that world?’

Jesus answered, ‘Israel.’

Onqelos: ‘What then about joining them?’

Jesus: ‘Seek their welface, seek not their harm. Whoever touches them is as though he touches the apple of God’s eye!’

Onqelos: ‘What is your punishment?’

Jesus: ‘With boiling excrement.’

There is much more to be said, but this gives the idea. Mary is treated as a whore, and Jesus as the son of a Roman soldier. There are a number of code words for Jesus in the Talmudic writings. None of them very pleasant.

What is the plus side in all this? The plus side is similar to what is happening in Islam. Many Jews are discovering Jesus for who He really is. However, there is a last stage to be reached in Judaism. It began in Jerusalem, it has to end in Jerusalem. Jerusalem’s warfare is not ended.

Jesus said:

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'” (Mat 23:37-39)

Again from the prophet Zechariah:
“And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.” 


The great question of all generations remains...

Will the Father say to all people,

What have you done with My Son?

Did you treat Him as holy?

Did you trample Him underfoot as nothing of worth?

These questions are eternal salvation questions.

Think about it as you listen to the words of this song –  ‘Like a Rose Trampled on the Ground’

May the Lord richly bless you in a discovery of all His will for your life.

In Christ,


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Something About Mormonism

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!” (Gal 1:8)



The expression, ‘neither fish nor fowl’ can be applied both to Islam as well as to Mormonism. It doesn’t take an in-depth study of the Muslim faith, to realize that Mohammed set about to embrace elements of Rabbinic Judaism with elements of Christianity, and thereby creating another religion that was neither Rabbinic Judaism nor Christianity. He merely borrowed components from both.

A term used for the mixing of religions is the term syncretism. Syncretism is the fusion of different systems of thought or belief with the result of creating something very much unlike the two blended systems of thought or belief. And of course the boast of Mohammed was that his religion was the only true faith.

So you have something similar in Mormonism. While Mormonism wishes to find itself as the only true Christian religion, actually it is far removed from what is commonly recognized as Biblical Christianity. The Latter-day Saint religion followed the same route as Islam. It has produced a hybrid religion.

It is interesting to note that both Islam and Mormonism were brought into place by angel appearances. For Islam it was supposedly the angel Gabriel. Mohammed’s angel encounters left him bewildered and frightened. He thought he was losing his mind or had been demon possessed. Over time he came under the influence is this spirit being and thus produced his new religion called Islam. [Islam means submission. Of course the sword became the means of submission.]

For Mormonism it was the angel Moroni. The story of Moroni has changed in character and name several times in Mormon history. Be that what it may, let’s move on.

Perhaps it is enough to take heed the Biblical warning about angel messengers –

“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” (Gal 1:6-9)

And again,

“For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. …

“…For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.” (2Co 11:4-15)

Leaving Islam aside let’s consider the Latter-day Saints. Most people today are little aware of the latent side of Mormonism and why it is often considered a cult religion by many.

It would be well for my readers to do some personal research on Mormonism. Most of this journal entry will simply be quotes from various writers. Here are some books that I recommend.


For Personal Study and Research…

 (1) ‘No Man Knows My History – The Life of Joseph Smith’, by Fawn M. Brodie. (Fawn Brodie’s uncle, David O. McKay, was the 9th president of the Church of Latter-day Saints. 1870-1970.)

The title of Brodie’s book comes from a recorded statement Joseph Smith made at a funeral:

“You don’t know me. You never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it; I shall never undertake it I don’t blame anyone for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I could not have believed it myself.”

(2) ‘In Sacred Loneliness – The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith’, by Todd Compton. (This book has documentation from diaries of Joseph Smith’s several wives.)

Editorial Review: “Compton has compiled a meticulously researched and masterly study of Mormon Joseph Smith’s 33 wives. The women are presented individually, with many of their own documents cited. Compton contends that ‘Mormon polygamy was characterized by a tragic ambiguity’: infinite dominion in the next life vs. a social system that did not work, thus resulting in acute neglect of the wives. These “key women have been comparatively forgotten,” surprisingly so considering the reverence Mormons hold for their founding prophet and how important polygamy was to Smith.”

(3) ‘An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins’, by Grant H. Palmer.

Note: Palmer is a three-time director of LDS Institutes of Religion in California and Utah, a former instructor at the Church College of New Zealand, and a LDS seminary teacher at two Utah locations.

From the Preface: “I, along with colleagues, and drawing from years of research, find the evidence employed to support many traditional [official Mormon] claims about the [Mormon] church to be either nonexistent or problematic.”

(4) ‘Sidney Rigdon – A Portrait of Religious Excess’, by Richard S. Van Wagnoner.

Description: “Disciples of Christ minister Sidney Rigdon was one of the most significant early converts to Mormonism. His education proved indispensible to Joseph Smith, as together they updated the Bible, received revelations, drafted the Lectures on Faith, dedicated the first temple, and formalized LDS theology. But Rigdon’s unstable temperament made him an ultimately unreliable counselor.”


Quotes from ‘Sacred Loneliness – The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith’

[From the introduction] “The supernatural–revelations, prophecy fulfilled; miraculous healings and glossolilia; visitations from dead relatives, from angels, from demonic spirits, and from the Three Nephites–comprise a major element of nineteenth-century Mormon writings.”

“This was a time of frequent blessing, tongue-speaking meetings, which were dominated by women. On the first day of 1847 Louisa (very large with child), Eliza, Zina Young, and Patty celebrated with a blessing meeting filled with glossolilia and prophecy.”

From the diaries of Joseph Smith’s wives. (No corrections made on the English.)

Brigham Young had 55 wives

[Patty’s and Eliza’s diaries.] “‘Went to a meeting to Eliza Beamans with many of the sisters.’ … all spoke in tongues on June 2. The next day Louisa, Elisa, Zina, and Emily laid their hands on Patty Sesions’s head and gave her a prophetic blessing. After another blessing meeting during a rainstorm on June 9, Eliza ‘went home with Loisa & Z. in the mud rejoicing.’ The next day Louisa, with others, spoke in tongues…”

[Zina’s diary.] “The gifts of the gospel were manifest the first time I ever sang in tong[ue]s after being baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints – around me was a light as the blaze of a candle – I was surrounded [it was] a heavenly influence and no unpleasant sensation from that day the gift has remained with me.”

Note: Accord to Zina the gift of tongues rested upon her with such “overwhelming force” that she became “alarmed” and “checked its utterance.” As a result the gift left her, and she felt she had offended the Holy Spirit. … The gift returned, and Zina kept her vow; she would take part in glossolalia and interpreting tongue speech throughout the rest of her life. She and Eliza Snow, with Elizabeth Whitney, would be the most enthusiastic tongue-speakers in the early [Mormon] church. Thus women practiced a prophetic mode in early Mormonism …

Emmeline Wells would later write that Zina gave “the interpretation of hymns, psalms and sacred songs in the most musical and happy manner, without thought or hesitation. There is something divinely beautiful in thus rendering, by the gift of inspiration, words uttered in an unknown tongue.”


From No Man Knows My History

In this book we read about “nervous spasms and swoonings” that were attributed to the Holy Ghost. Here is a quote:

“There were now about one hundred and fifty converts in Kirkland, more than twice the number that had followed him from New York State. But Joseph was disturbed by the fanaticism that possessed this people. Prayer meetings were punctuated by fits and trances. Converts would roll along the floor to the church door and out upon the frozen ground in a masochistic frenzy. Some would mount stumps to preach to imaginary congregations in unknown tongues…”

Note: Joseph Smith finally forbade the preaching of Mormonism by anyone but an elder who had been ordained by the church.

There is an interesting fact about one of Joseph Smith’s teenage wives. He married Lucy Walker when she was about sixteen years old. This is what Lucy writes:

“[At the next prayer meeting the newly baptized children] “spoke in tong[u]es, others prophesied; again another has the gift of faith, to heal the sick … “

Lucy Walker was the last of Joseph Smith’s proxy wives to die. Lucy passed away on October 1, 1910.


An Issue of Concern

How about these esoteric experiences such as the Mormons espouse, or those that Mohammed underwent? Do they confirm that a thing is from God? What many don’t realize is that esoteric experiences, such as those of the Mormons, and the experiences of Mohammed, can never be trusted in themselves as being of God. They can be demonic in origin, but they can also well fit into a psychological framework.

A psychological experience can be induced in certain intense religious environments. It is very real to the person having it. But the question remains, ‘Is it of God?’ 

For example speaking in tongues is a known phenomena in just about every religious grouping of people on planet earth. Consider this quote from the Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, page 33:

“Spiritualistic glossolalia and related phenomena among spiritual mediums were among the first studied by psychologists near the beginning of the twentieth century. … Pathological glossolalia is known to medicine and psychiatry, the result of such causes as organic neurological damage, effects of drugs, or psychotic disorders. Schizophrenic disorders have furnished examples of glossolalia. Most relevant to Christian glossolalia are clearly reported cases of pagan glossolalia, both ancient and modern…. [Glossolalia] was used sparingly among American Indians but was widespread in African tribal religions.”

Well, perhaps I’ve said enough for now. So, I will simply leave this with my readers. You can decide for yourself where any of this fits in your own belief system.

Just some things to think about.


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God Chose Jerusalem – Not Rome or Mecca or Jackson County, Missouri

What’s this about Rome, Mecca, and Jackson County, Missouri? 

Let me get this out-of-the-way. And without saying too much, of course Rome is the Center of the Roman Catholic world. And, no, the Roman Catholic Church is not and never can be called the original church. It is far removed from ancient Christianity. I’ll leave little said about that.

As for Mecca, this is the holy city for the Muslims. Mohammed set about to replace the Biblical record of God’s redemption program through Jesus Christ, with a theology that has replaced Jacob/Israel with the Ishmaelites, as God’s favored redemptive people. Mohammed disclaimed Jesus as God’s Son and that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but that He was a prophet. Not the greatest prophet, mind you. And when Jesus returns He will convert the world to the Muslim faith. (Enough on that.)

And as for Jackson County, Missouri, well, that is where Joseph Smith taught was the site of the original Garden of Eden, and thus prophesied that Jesus Christ would return there to a temple to be built in Independence, Missouri, as the temple of New Jerusalem.  

It’s not that these three religions allow no room for an earthly Jerusalem in their theology. It is all the other things that twist and turn to make their religions the true religion of God. And isn’t it interesting how all three center so very much on spiritualism and esoteric experiences, including angel visitations. 

Oh well, there is a lot more to all these stories, but let’s get past all this and on to the matter of God choosing Jerusalem.


God has chosen Jerusalem

“’Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,’ declares the LORD. ‘Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you.’

“The LORD will possess Judah as His portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem.” (Zec 2:10-12)




The Bible speaks of two Jerusalem’s, an earthly Jerusalem, and a heavenly Jerusalem. Of the heavenly city we have this, “But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother.” (Gal4:26) Of the earthly city, the prophet of old called her, “the bloody city.” (Cf. Eze22:2; 24:6; 24:9)

Is it not strange why thebloody city has always had a central place in God’s plan of redemption? And yet the earthly Jerusalem is also called, “The city of the great King.” (Cf. Psa48:2; Mat5:35)

Ever wonder why is the earthly Jerusalem called, “The city of the great King.”?

Or, why is Jerusalem the most contested city on earth?

Or, why Jesus wept over Jerusalem?

Understand the answers to these questions and you will know much more about the redemption of God. The more we gaze at the Bible, the more we will see Jesus. And the more we gaze at the Bible, the more we see why Jesus wept over Jerusalem.

Let’s begin with …


God’s Heavenly City

Yes, there is a heavenly and holy city of God. Abraham had seen in his heart a wonderful city. It says…

“By faith he [Abraham] lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (Heb 11:9-10)

Of the saints of old, we have this:

“All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. “

“And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” (Heb 11:13-16)

The Bible begins closure with a description of God’s heavenly city. John wrote:

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Rev 21:1-2. Cf. Isa65:17-19)

This brings us to …


The Earthly Jerusalem

Abraham is instructed to offer his son on the mountains of Moriah.

“[God] said, ‘Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.’” (Gen 22:2)

Moriah is where Jerusalem is situated. Isaac was the miracle child of Abraham and Sarah. And it is in this event where the Lord sets forth a prophetic picture of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the cross.

Rather than detail the event, let’s look at what happens when the Lord stops Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Listen carefully:

“Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns; and Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the place of his son.

“Abraham called the name of that place The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, ‘In the mount of the LORD it will be provided.’” (Gen 22:13-14)

The mount of Moriah is where each of the successive temples would be built, beginning with Solomon’s and on to the millennium temple.

But another term is also import. ‘The Lord will provide’ can be equally translated, ‘The Lord will be seen.’ The Hebrew word, ra-ah, is a verb meaning, to see, or to appear. It is a word of vision or visitation.

Remember what Jesus said over Jerusalem as He wept? Listen:

“When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes.

“’For the days will come upon you when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you in on every side, and they will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, …

“… because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.’” (Luk 19:41-44)

So, yes, God’s redemption will be provided for and seen in Jerusalem. But that is not the end of the story. The day will also come when Jerusalem will indeed recognize her day of visitation. There are Jewish people turning to Jesus at this very time in record-breaking numbers. (Did you know that for the first time in history Israel is allowing American troops in their country. – to my understanding -).

So Jesus added,

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.

“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'” (Mat 23:37-39)

Jerusalem is nearing her time of visitation where she will call Jesus the blessed One, the Lord God of Israel.


Jerusalem, the City of Redemption

Where is the major hot spot in news today? Why are Muslims so adamant on East Jerusalem as their capital?

They know that Jerusalem is the city of redemption. And Satan well knows that Jerusalem speaks of redemption.

Jews to this day have their bodies sent to the Mount of Olive for burial.

At the Eastern Gate is a Muslim cemetery. The Bible speaks of the glory of God returning to Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians know God’s redemption program begins and ends in Jerusalem.

But something has to happen to bring Jerusalem to her knees?

The Lord spoke through prophet Hosea, saying,

“I will go away and return to My place until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.” (Hos 5:15)

This is where we need to see a prophecy that tells the story of Jerusalem –

“Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him.

“So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.” (Hos 6:1-3)

And so, the gospel story begin with the Jews. Once it has circled the earth, it then ends with the Jews.


The Mystery of the Christian and the Jew

The great mystery of the Jew and the Christian is difficult for many to grasp. The new covenant began with the Jews and it fulfills itself with the Jews. What slowed down to a trickle through the years, is now beginning to become a mighty stream.

Jews are looking at Jesus afresh, in a way unknown since destruction of 70 A.D.

What did God tell Moses?

“Then He said, ‘I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are a perverse generation, sons in whom is no faithfulness.

“’They have made Me jealous with what is not God; they have provoked Me to anger with their idols. So I will make them jealous with those who are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.” (Deu 32:20-21)

Keep ‘not a people’ in view.

Peter quoted from Moses on the day of Pentecost. He also quoted Moses with regard to the Christian people of God.

“But you [Christians] are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession…

“…so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; …

“… for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God, you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1Pe 2:9-10)

Yes indeed, the Jews and Christians have had a love-hate relationship from the beginning. The hate part will disappear in God’s time.

Hope this short study has stirred your heart.

Please take time for this song. The Lord wants to speak to you.

‘The Holy City’ by John Starnes



Your Servant in Christ always,


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When the Nations Shutter and Shake…

Lion and Lamb“See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven.

“And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ‘YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN.’” Heb12:25,26)


The eyes of the world remain focused on the Middle East. We are seeing an uncontrolled fire storm that began working its way out from the environs of ancient Babylon. The fire continues to break out here and yon. Right now the fire is burning intensely in Afghanistan. Break outs continue in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Somalia, not to speak of all the ‘***istan’ nations of the former Soviet Union. The fire in Iran continues to smolder.

What’s it all about? Believe it or not, the final thrust of anti-Christ Islam will be on Jerusalem. It all ends in Jerusalem. That is where the story of redemption had its beginning and that is where it has its ending. Jesus Christ is returning to Jerusalem.

As I have often said, the Bible is the only book under heaven that records history before it happens. As for Christians, we have our instructions. Jesus said that men’s hearts would began to fail because of the things coming on the earth. Not so with God’s people.

Jesus said,

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (Joh 14:1-3 NASB)

And again,

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. You heard that I said to you, ‘I go away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. Now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe.” (Joh 14:27-29 NASB)


The war over souls

You can be sure that all the wars fought on this planet have a spiritual backdrop to them. From time immemorial warfare has always been about the minds and souls of men and women. So while believers are told to remain focused on Jesus, the fact remains that we are engaged with spiritual forces. In the midst of all this we are told to keep ourselves aligned with the victory of Christ.

With this in mind I want to share part of a counseling session I had with a brother in Iraq. The enemy was playing with his mind. I was able to help him regain his footing.

Bob: I know the enemy is the “prince of the air” and I try to keep myself covered in prayer because of all the Muslim prayers that are broadcast over P.A. systems all around me 5 times a day.

Buddy: You are most correct that the enemy is called ‘prince of the air.’ Your situation is unique because of where you are. Islam is actually antichrist. Most people do not realize this. Satan has been preparing his antichrist armies for 1400 years in preparation for the count down.

I don’t mean to begin on a negative note, but it is very important that you understand this. Where you are, the ‘thoughts’ of darkness will be everywhere. This is why you are having battles in your mind. To ‘hear’ Muslim prayers 5 times a day is certainly a downer.

Bob: Lately I’ve started having troubling questions pop into my mind, even when I’m in prayer or reading the Bible. Basically, I find myself thinking, “How can this be true? Does God really exist? Is Christ a reality?” Now, mind you, this all happens while I am in fervent prayer to God or reading about Christ. I try to tell myself “If you didn’t believe you wouldn’t be praying to Him so intensely and talking to Him so much.”

Buddy:You are describing the battle of ‘thoughts’ perfectly. Two things are going to be very important for you in this regard. Foremost, recognize where all these doubts are coming from. (Remember Eve’s battle.) Knowing this is the key to knowing how to do spiritual warfare correctly. Here is your foundation Scripture:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing [thoughts, etc.] raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (2Co10:4,5)

The second thing is going to come straight from you. This is the time to make quality decisions. I cannot stress this enough. Until you make a consistent, firm, and resolute decision that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life, and that God’s Word is true, regardless, your whole thinking process will be honeycombed with doubts. Indecision is the path of failure. This is why you find so much in the Bible about making choices. The Lord does not remove our ability to choose for Him. Also keep in the background of your faith that the Lord will reinforce every decision you make for Him.

Bob: I’m troubled by even entertaining these questions. God has been so merciful to me and blessed me so greatly. Jesus has redeemed me from the darkness into the Kingdom of Light by paying for my sins by His sacrifice upon the cross. I do NOT like these troubling thoughts.

Buddy: If you are going to doubt anything, doubt your doubts. Do not allow even for a moment any thought to remain that speaks against your faith in Jesus.

Other things you can do are:

(1) Each morning as soon as you have time, reach for your Bible and pray the prayer of David; “Open my eyes, Lord, that I may behold wonderful things from Your Law.”

(2) Join yourself to another believer and began to extend your fellowship circle. Ask the Lord to lead you in this.

(3) Keep writing me. I will support you in all that I can. Ask questions. Share your thoughts. I will never stop being your friend.

…. End of Exchange….

Consider this news report from Washington  (Military brief. July 26, 2010): “Suicides among Army and Air National Guard and Reserve troops have spiked this year, and the military is at a loss to explain why. … Suicides among military personnel and veterans are at an epidemic rate, and it’s getting worse,” said Tim Embree, a former Marine who served two tours in Iraq and is now a legislative associate for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, an advocacy group.”Don’t think for a moment that there isn’t a spiritual component behind this.

The intricacies of endtime events

Now let’s continue on with the study on the shuttering of the nations. The intricacies of endtime events go much further than this study can cover and certainly beyond my own limited understanding. But there are some things in the Scriptures that speak pretty conclusive to what we can expects as the days of redemption grow shorter.

Jesus was accosted by the Pharisees and Sadducees in their asking Him for a sign. He said,

“Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?” (Matt. 16:3)

The Lord was saying that while they claimed to understand the elements of nature, they were blind in regard to what was happening before their very eyes. The Messiah was present. Redemption had come and they did not recognize it.

Does this have any relevance to the church today? Most assuredly. The church is now in a very special phase of redemptive history. As a relevant sign in the count down God give us a fixed point. Both Jesus, the prophets of old, and the apostles all pointed to the rebirth of the nation of Israel as a prominent fixture that the times of the Gentiles was closing. That sign was fixed May 14, 1948.

The apostle Peter told the Jewish peoples that Jesus had been received into heaven and would remain there, but would send ‘refreshing(s)’ [special moves of the Holy Spirit] until the period of restoration of all things.

“Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time. “ (Act 3:19-21 NASB)

What did Peter mean by the term restoration? The Greek term ‘apokatastasis‘ means a restitution of a thing to its former condition. This expression denotes the times spoken of as ‘the fullness of the Gentiles,’ and would then include conversion of the Jews to Jesus.

This was a primary concern for the Lord’s Hebrew apostles. In Acts 1:6, they asked Him,

“Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?”

Jesus responded,

“It is not for you to know the times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority.”

Thus while we cannot know the exact moments for the unfolding of events, we do have one fixed sign. This is why May 14, 1948 is so important to redemption history.

Israel who had lost her nationhood in the year 70 a.d., was brought forth again as a nation among other nations. Thus we have Isaiah 66:8, fulfilled;

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a LAND be born in one day? Can a NATION be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons.” (Caps always for emphasis only.)

Then we have this from the Lord:

“And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles [other nations] until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24 Until the gospel has gone into all the world. Cf. Mat24:14)

Point at hand is that the nation of Israel today is not the nation she is going to be. Jews returning to the land is at the heart of Old Testament prophecy. Israel today is largely secular, with Talmudic Judaism in charge of her religious affairs. The fact that Israel is largely secular is not a bad thing in comparison to the Christ-hating Talmudic religion.


The spirit of grace

Now let’s combine two Scriptures, one from the old and the other from the new. Both with the same objective.

First Zechariah 12:10:

“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me [This is Yahweh speaking] whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him [Jesus the crucified One], and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him [Jesus] like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.”

Now Romans 11:25-27:

“For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery — so that you will not be wise in your own estimation — that a partial hardening has happened to Israel [the Christ-rejecting nation group] until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved [nation group looks to Jesus]; just as it is written, ‘The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.

“This is My covenant with them, WHEN I TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS.'”

The sins of the Christ-rejecting Israel can only be taken away when they come to faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ.


The coming restoration

Let’s come back to what Peter said about the times of restoration:

“…that He [the Father] may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.” (Acts 3:20,21)

The Greek term for ‘period’ is chronos. It speaks of a particular time or space or season of events. This takes in various things that belong to the season of restoration.

The Greek term for ‘restoration’ is a double compound. It is only used here. Interestingly enough it is also used by the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, for the return of the Jews from captivity, and for the restoration of the year of Jubilee. That is the how the term was understood during the time of Christ.

Of course the Jewish people in the time of the apostles would understand this much better than the ‘Johnny-come-lately’ folk of today’s western Christianity, who think they have the answers for everything.

The period of restoration has a dual focus. I believe it includes the Church restored to her lost heritage in preparation for her departure. More and more Christians today are breaking free of sectarian separations and from religious yokes of bondages, and are rediscovering their true freedom in Christ.

The second focus is the land of Israel. (As I’ve already shared.)

What makes the period of restoration so unique is the overlap of focus in the kingdom of God. At the same time the Church is being prepared for her departure, the Jewish peoples are being gathered to the land of Israel to fulfill her prophesied purposes. In this sense God is working with the Jews and with the Christians. The Jews are being prepared for their Messiah.


A time of special insight

The prophet Daniel was told that there would be a time of special insight given God’s people in the latter days. This would certainly apply in part to the Christian church, but it would especially apply to Jewish peoples during the tribulation. (That insight was to be locked up until the time came. I see it as belonging to the book of Revelation.)

As for the Christian portion, Paul elaborates on this in 1 Thess. 5:1-3,9-10 and 2 Thess. 2:1,5-13. (You may wish to view these Scriptures.)

For the Jew there is a period of tribulation they must endure before the Savior comes out of Zion. The Bible also gives place for a pseudo-Church during the final hours of this age. (Pseudo refers to something that appears to be true but is not. A false pretender.)

The true church refers to those who are inborn of the Spirit of truth and will not follow anyone other than Jesus, in spite of signs & wonders. However, the pseudo Church will follow after lying wonders.

Let’s listen to some of the final words that Jesus spoke over Jerusalem.

“When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you in on every side, and they will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.” (Luke 19:41-44)

And again,

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me UNTIL you say, ‘Blessed is He [Jesus] who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Matt23:37,38)

So, will the kingdom of God be restored to Israel? Will Israel really turn to the Lord Jesus and become part with His people? Can it be proved by the Scriptures? I believe it can. For your extra study consider these Scriptures: (Isa1:26; Jer23:3-6; Hos3:4,5; 5:15; 6:1-3.)

Yes, it is all there. But the point remains as I said at the beginning of the study, Christians are not to let their hearts become troubled over all these things. Our eyes are to remain focused on Jesus alone.


Can nature be speaking

Have you considered the oil situation in the Gulf of Mexico. China is fighting the same thing.  In addition to the anti-Christ armies making their way towards Jerusalem, you have hurricanes, tsunamis, earth quakes in various places, along with weather doing strange things.

Consider these Scriptures:

“…and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.” (Rev 8:9 NASB)

“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.” (Mar 13:7-8 NASB)

“For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.” (Rom 8:19-22 NASB)



The shuttering and shaking

Are the nations beginning to shutter? What do you think? Is the time of giving birth close at hand?

Consider once again this warning from the book of Hebrews concerning a shaking to come:


“See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven. And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ‘YET ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN.’

“This expression, ‘Yet once more,’ denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb 12:25-29 NASB)

OK children of the Lamb. Here is your song…


Much love in Jesus,


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Posted by Buddy, 0 comments

How do you know that you are saved?

“He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquianted with grief; and like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.” Isaiah 53:3 nasb


How does a person truly know that they are saved?

There are several answers to that question, but the decisive point centers upon a love for Jesus Christ. To know Jesus personally is to love Him personally. This abiding love for Jesus carries its own testimony in the hearts of all true believers. It is this love for Jesus that becomes our guideposts to our journey of life. For believers a love for Jesus and faith in Jesus cannot be separated.

Peter clears this issue up:

…so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable … though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” 1Pe 1:7,8;

Did you catch it. The proof of your faith is that you love Jesus and you believe in Jesus. Believing in Jesus is what distinguishes Biblical Christianity from every other religion on planet earth, and especially in regard to Judaism and Islam. However, we need to understand what believing in Jesus really means and what loving Jesus and living for Jesus really means.

"Follower" Poster


Let me explain what believing in and loving Jesus means to a believer:


‘True believers have come to know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Savior, as the Son of God, as the only One who can save humankind, as the One who died for our sins, was crucified, buried, resurrected the third day, and ascended into heaven, as the One of whose blood has been sprinkled on our hearts, the One who is the center of our joy and rejoicing, the One of whom we anxiously await His second coming, and the One in whom we love with a love that is beyond words, a love that speaks of joy, that is inexpressible and is full of glory.’




How does a love for Jesus fit into the religions of Islam and of Judaism.


I will only address the basic elements of Islam and Judaism, as are found in their holy writings, for Islam, the Qur’an, and for Judaism, the Talmuds.x


Jesus in Islam…

The teachings about Jesus in Islam are far less pervasive that what you find in Judaism. In Islam, Jesus is given special respect as one of the five great messengers (prophets) of God.

Islam regard Adam as the first prophet and Muhammad as the last prophet. Muhammed’s title is called, ‘Seal of the Prophets.’ The five great prophets (messengers of God), are Noah, Abraham, Noses, Jesus, and Muhammed. None of these are divine.

Islam regards Adam as the first prophet and Muhammad as the last prophet. Muhammad’s title is called, ‘Seal of the Prophets.’ The five great prophets (messengers of God), are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. None of these are divine.

In Islam, with respect to Jesus, He is called the son of the Virgin, however, He is not divine, nor is Jesus the Son of God; He was not crucified, nor does He have anything to do with the salvation of humanity. The strange one is that Jesus is considered as the Messiah, but not in the same sense as is found in the gospels. Actually Jesus comes in second to Muhammad.

"Arab School in Cairo c.1900" Photographic Print

The point at hand is that Islam would never defame Jesus in any way, but their true knowledge of Jesus is limited. The good news is that many millions of Muslim are having their eyes opened and are turning to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Their greatest need is to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ. On the temple mount in Jerusalem there is written inside their mosque, ‘God has no son.’

Many Muslims are finding that God does indeed has a Son. They are turning to Jesus by the multiplied thousands largely because a New Testament has been placed in their hands.


Jesus in Judaism …

Jesus told Pilate that the Jewish leadership would be charged with the greater sin. What was their greater sin? It was not only the sin of their total rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah, but it would include their continual rejection of Him.

Keep in mind that there are various movements and trends in Judaism, just as their are movements of Islam, as well as movements of Christianity. But here I need to draw on the writings of Talmudic Judaism. These writings remain the holiest books of Orthodox Judaism. Orthodox Jews consider themselves as the only true Jewish faith. But they do not speak for Conservative or Reform Jews.

"Worshippers at Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel" Photographic Print

Most people are not aware of how Jesus is treated in the Talmud. Here is a sample:

He [Onqelos] sent and brought up Jesus the Nazarene (Yeshu ha-notzri) out of his grave by necreomancy and asked him: ‘Who is important in that world?’

Jesus answered, ‘Israel.’

Onqelos: ‘What then about joining them?’

Jesus: ‘Seek their welface, seek not their harm. Whoever touches them is as though he touches the apple of God’s eye!’

Onqelos: ‘What is your punishment?’

Jesus: ‘With boiling excrement.’

There is much more to be said, but this gives the idea of how Talmudic Judaism sees Jesus. Mary is treated as a whore, and Jesus as the son of a Roman soldier. There are a number of code words for Jesus in the Talmudic writings. None of them are pleasant.


What is the plus side in all this? The plus side is similar to what is happening in Islam. Many Jews are discovering Jesus for who He really is. Many people of Judaism and Islam are realizing that they’ve been lied to about Jesus Christ. However, there is a final stage to be reached in Judaism. It began in Jerusalem, it has to end in Jerusalem. Jerusalem’s warfare is not ended. Her sorrow is yet to come.


We’ve been to Jerusalem – We’ve been to the Eastern Gate.


I went to the section of the wailing wall where only men are allowed. Betty and I have walked the streets of the old city of Jerusalem. We’ve been to Masada. We’ve been on a boat in the Sea of Galilee when a storm came upon us. We’ve seen the land of Israel and Bethlehem, and Nazareth, and many other places. It is a land that has been reclaimed and rediscovered. But it is a land still in anguish.

The Orthodox Jews believe that the Shekinah (divine presence) is in the wailing wall. This is why they weep there.  When I stood before the wailing wall there was only deadness there. But I do remember one thing that stirred my heart deeply. It spoke to me of the Jewish plight. As I talked with our Jewish tour guide about Jesus, he said to me, ‘I don’t have to be saved. I am a Jew.’

How sad. And to know that their day of weeping is not over. Yet it is written in God’s book that these children of Israel will one day reach out to Jesus. It will be in a moment of deep crisis. Today many are finding Jesus in the quietness of their own heart. But the day will come when the Jewish leadership will call upon the Lord Jesus Himself.  Howx

Jesus said:

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'” (Mat 23:37-39)


So perhaps the great question of all the ages still remains...


Will the Father say to all people,

What have you done with My Son?

Did you treat Him as holy?

Did you love Him?

Or, did you trample Him underfoot as nothing of worth?


How about you.

Do you love Jesus? x

While you are thinking on these things, take time to listen to The Isaac, as they sing, ‘Stand Still.’

I dedicate this song to Israel.



May the Lord richly bless you in a discovery of all His will for your life.

In Christ,


Views: 37

Posted by Buddy, 0 comments

The Way of Eternity…

“What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils? I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” (Ecc 3:9-11)

I read an article in the LA Times entitled, ‘Searching for the Divine.’ Scientists were doing research into why in an age of reason, people still insist on believing in God. After considerable research they finally reached a conclusion:  “You can’t simply think God out of existence.”

Isn’t that interesting. A simple reading from the Scriptures would have given them that answer. According to the Bible, man is spiritually wired to believe in the reality of God. This is why people have all sorts of spiritual experiences. And this is why the Bible says, ‘The fool has said in his heart ‘There is no God.'”

Solomon wrote,

“[God] has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” – Ecc 3:10-11 NASB

Paul had this to say on Mar’s Hill,

“… and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.” – Act 17:26-28 NASB


Let’s take a closer look at the issue of eternity as a matter of the heart.

Christian Glitter

Don Richardson wrote a book called ‘Eternity in Their Hearts.’ In this book he shows how the cultures of the world have been prepared beforehand for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even the various religions of the world have in them a stage set for God’s message of His Son. The key in true missionary work is to find this ‘setting.’ (I recommend Don’s book to anyone considering mission work.)

Actually the Biblical word for religion literally means ‘dread (fear) of the gods.’  The world is filled with religions of all stripes. India is a prime example with her millions of gods. But this in itself speaks to the ache of the human heart.

Of course Satan knows how far the human race has fallen from its original glory. He sets about to create replacement religions. He takes a little from here and a little from there to create an additional new religion. This is what new age is about. Islam is also a classic example. The religion of Islam combines elements of Talmudic Judaism with forms of Christianity, along with pagan elements, and from this comes a religion that has captured a quarter of the world’s population.

But in each of these religions, whether new or old, there is a setting aside of Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father. What many may not realize is that while Islam accepts Jesus as one of the five major prophets of Islam, one of its basic tenants is that God has no Son.

What’s the problem with that? Take note:

“Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.” – 1Jn 2:22-23

This brings us to…

The Message sent from Heaven.

It doesn’t matter how many books the world’s religions offer, there is only one message that can bring healing and peace to the aching heart. This is the message that God has a Son, and that His only begotten Son took the place of humankind, and that His Son took away our sins by the sacrifice of Himself on the cross.

Out of the cross would come the message of heaven. This is why Jesus could speak to the aching heart of a fallen woman, and say,

“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” – John 4:10

Here is the message of eternity in its simple form, and it will never change:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” – John 3:16-17

So now we have a message to bring to the whole world.

It isn’t hard to share the message. All you need to do is make yourself available to God. Here is a short story. I’ll title it…


Sabes tu que Christo te ama?

I’ve been in and out of Latin America on mission trips a number of times. This time we were among the Mayan Indians in the mountains of Belize. Walking down a mountain trail with some of our group, I noticed that an old Indian gentleman had stopped at the side of the trail to let us pass. He was carrying a bundle of wood. That’s when it happened.

I stopped and said to the old Indian, “Sabes tu que Christo te ama?” The elderly gentleman put his hands on his face and began to weep. I could hardly believe my eyes. Indians are generally very stoic [not showing emotion]. Instantly I did my best to consol him. I assured him of God’s love. His eyes were still wet with tears as we parted.

What I said to him in Spanish is, ‘Do you know that Jesus Christ loves you?’

It was my turn. My heart was broken. How could one simple statement have such an effect on anyone. But now I understood why the Holy Spirit impressed me to use that phrase. The love of Jesus is the message of the cross.

The old Indian did not need to hear a message of condemnation. These Indians were steeped in idolatry. Fear controlled their lives. They had mountain gods, and witches, and dark spirits at work in their lives. The old Indian lived in a state of confusion and fear and condemnation. He needed to know that Jesus Christ truly loved Him.

You see, once you share the story of God’s love, the Lord will take care of the rest. He may have much more for you to say, but you have said enough for the door of salvation to open wide.

By the way, Nathan speaks Spanish fluently. I mangle Spanish fluently.


And so…

The message of eternity is clear. Jesus is the way of eternity.  Jesus died for all of humankind. Take this message to heart. According to the apostle Paul, the Lord Jesus is very near to every man and woman on the planet. Our job is to let the Lord use us to bring the message of God’s love to this planet.

Don’t worry. He will give you what you need to speak at the proper time. Take time to listen to this song…

Much love coming your way,


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