man’s best friend

In Memory of General Claudius Josephus (CJ)


I need to take a pause in my regular journal entries to share about a wonderful ‘someone’ who has affected the lives of so many people.  This entry has to do with a special gift from God. He was one of heaven’s wonderful gentle giants.

His name is…


General Claudius Josephus (CJ) 


May 20, 2001 t0 November 3, 2011

CJ was a Great Dane. He was registered as General Claudius Josephus but everyone simply knew him as ‘CJ’.

There is so much I would like to share about the General. To begin with, CJ was a gift from my three children on Father’s Day, 2001. However, through the years I came to realize that this special dog had to have been …


A Gift from God

You’ve often heard dogs called, ‘man’s best friend’. This was certainly true for me. And if you are a dog lover, it doesn’t take long to realize just how true this adage is. Dogs not only have character but they have a special inner insight for things that are happening around them. They have an ability to love unconditionally. And when they bond with someone, the bond is for life. Perhaps God made them that way so they could fit a special need in the lives of others.

A gift from God? What I’ve come to realize is that you don’t pick the dog, the dog picks you. At least in my case this was true. My three children, Nathan, Andre, and Shana, had me sit in our living room and close my eyes. They placed two Great Dane pups in my lap, one black and the other fawn. While the black was beautiful, my heart went to the fawn. My daughter Shana, took the black one.

Here the story begins to unfold. The pups were too young to be removed from their mother. We had to wait two weeks. The time came and we were standing in the yard of the owner watching a number of pups romping around.  What a beautiful sight. Then it happened. The fawn that I had chosen came and lay down between my feet. You see, CJ was letting me know that the choice was his. Yes, indeed – CJ was saying, ‘This human belong to me!’

It’s been that way ever since. CJ pretty much took over the ranch as well as the hearts of all who met him. For the next ten and a half years, CJ became part of the identity of Christian Challenge. When people came to my office for counsel, there was CJ sitting in his easy chair. (Used to be my easy chair.)


Christian Challenge Belonged to CJ

Betty and I loved CJ. So did everyone else. But you could not out love him. When visitors arrived at our door, CJ would greet them with a toy in his mouth. The only warning we would give folk is, ‘Look out for his tail.’ (Ask Nathan about this.)

Every morning when CJ and I went for our walk, he would survey the church property to check on things. This was his ritual throughout his years. (We have eight acres.)

If you know anything about Great Danes, you know how very unique they are. CJ loved children. He never realized just how big he really was. If CJ couldn’t climb in your lap, he would set his rear end on you with his front legs on the floor. (Yes, indeed. CJ was very big.)

Linda and CJ sharing love.

For any who are interested, tomorrow at 3 p.m. we are going to have a …


A Walk Around Memorial

Seems the Lord put on my heart to do something very special as a memory to CJ. Since the property of Christian Challenge was his happy place, we will be scattering CJs ashes on ‘a walk around’ the property. 

The ‘walk around’ will begin at 3 p.m. We’ll gather at the front porch of our parsonage. Any and everyone is welcomed to join with us.

We also want to give time to those who attend to share whatever they wish about CJ. Believe me, he has left some beautiful stories in the lives of many people. So, if you have a favorite Scripture or a memory of CJ that you would like to share, then would be the time.

And finally, CJ will have his best doggie buddy walk with us. Zacheus the Wee Little Man, better known as Zach, and CJ were inseparable. Zach is also in mourning. He needs this moment of remembrance.

The Wee Little Man

I also want to point out that Zach has a special place in helping our hearts to mend. I’m sure no one would mind having Zach as the ‘walk around’ guest of honor with regard for this memorial to CJ.

As a last word – Please take good care of these special gifts from God. They are here for a purpose. Doggies are known to be the ‘healers of hearts’. They are God’s unconditional lovers.

And for all you doggie loves, here is a song from yesteryear that will warm your hearts.

In the love of Jesus,

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